King in Yellow’s ‘Dark Passengers’ : Stark, Atmospheric Alt Rock
Their latest release is ‘Dark Passengers’, a four track EP that spills on the cerebral floors, evoking a psychedelic room, a contemplative labrinth, and a truly out of body experience. They are consuming soundscapes, so incredibly interesting and profoundly novel.
Song Review/ Alt Pop : LTB’s Skyline
His latest release, ‘Skyline’ he demonstrates his love for a city, a place that carries him just as he carries it in him.
Album Review : The Tearless Life’s Conversations with Angels’
Their latest release is ‘Conversations with Angels’. The eleven track collection collates themes of the ethereal with drone ambiences. It touches on dark spaces as much as it casts luminosity.
Album Review/ Indie Pop : Shane Rennison’s ‘Live at the Outlier Inn 2’
The contemplative indie pop artist, Shane Rennison has released his latest EP, ‘Live at the Outlier Inn 2’. It carries four tracks from his album, ‘Irrational’ rendered live at the Outlier Inn.
Elijah Kusel’s ‘Born Too Close to the Sun’ : Electro Funk Ambience
His latest release is ‘Born Too Close to the Sun’ , an abstraction ambience that is sunny, rainy, and snowy all at the same time.
Song Review : Mark Howard’s ‘My Girl Is on Fire’
In his latest track, ‘My Girl Is on Fire’, he carves out his love for a girl from the perspective of a smitten spectator.
Song Review/ Alt Folk : Izzy Skinner’s ‘The Trees’
Taken from it is ‘The Trees’, a track that devolves from a permanent, timeless structure. She curates rustic folk alongside oriental motifs and tones before leading it into a contemporary pop evocation.
Flat Moon’s ‘A Moon’s Bouce’ : A Funk Driven Alt Rock
Their latest release is ‘A Moon’s Bouche’, a track that carries into frames reminiscent of Michael Jackson, Prince, David Bowie, and Panic! At The Disco.
Battleviews’ ‘Last Jump of the Summer’ : A Feel-Good Alt Folk Flow
In their latest single, ‘Last Jump of the Summer’ they explore and capture the changing of seasons. Nostalgia for the memories and connections made in the summer, melancholy because it is nearing its end.
Song Review/ Rock n Roll : Shyfrin Alliance’s ‘Lock Down’
Like in his single, ‘Lockdown’, he transforms the atmosphere with rolling variations of these genres and stylistic elements. It is dressed with accessories of danger, mystery, power, and adventure.
Single Review/ Pop : Rosie Belvie’s Survive
Her latest release is ‘Survive’, an upping, playful, dance driven, and transformative single. She uses energy to portray the resilience, strength, and the essence of the theme.
Album Review/ Horror Folk : Concetta Abbate’s ‘LAMINARIA’
Concetta Abbate along with The Concetta Ensemble present their latest album, ‘LAMINARIA’, an affecting blend of classicals with theatrics and performances that flow immersively into horror themes.
Album Review/Alt Rock : Electric High’s ‘Colorful White Lies
Their latest release is ‘Colorful White Lies’, a bolstering album, an uncontainable vessel of energy. It is alt rock in the truest sense of the word.
Takar Nabam’s ‘Your Map’ : A Delightful Room of Neo-Jazz
His latest release is ‘Your Map’, a track that instantly calls to mind the soundscapes of artists like FKJ, Tom Misch, and Leon Bridges.
Song Review/Rock n Roll : Rykarda Parasol’s ‘Like Maria Calls’
In the latest single, ‘Like Maria Callas’, she explores suave rock n roll with a playful tinge of blues and a fanfare of related themes.
Okayden’s ‘Creatures’ : A Pleasing Electro Pop Asymmetry
Like in his latest release, ‘Creatures’, a track that explores fun alongside concept, dance with edgy interactions, and ideas with intuition.
David Lockeretz’s ‘Number 4 Train’ is a Stroytelling Ambience
His latest release is ‘Number 4 Train’, a track that is a neo-jazz masterpiece that aims to capture the artist’s experience of the thematic object.
Javi Carabalí’s ‘Tripletazo #2 Con Tu Amor’ : A Latin Dance Pop Bananza
So you’ll see blues, reggae, rock, soul, Latin pop, dance music, and everything in between. His latest release is the ‘Tripletazo #2 Con Tu Amor’, a three track EP that follows the release of its first installment, ‘Tripletazo #1 Tú Sin Mí’.
Mike and Mandy’s ‘Cocoon’ is an Ethereal Alt Folk Spread
Like in their latest single, ‘Cocoon’, they explore a pain, drifting into ethereal, eternal melancholy of losing love.
Album Review/Alt Rock : Maverick Smith’s ‘With Friends and Imperfections’
Their album, ‘With Friends and Imperfections’ introduces the band extensively. It showcases the journey, growth, and evolution of the artists and their styles and skills; both individually and collectively.