Vincent Krennerich’s ‘Dunkelrot’ : A Soft Chromatic Ambience
His latest release is ‘Dunkelrot’, a track that is scored with piano melodies, dulcet beats and sax waves.

EP Review/ Ambient : David Buchs’ ‘Letting Go’
His latest release is ‘Letting Go’, a three track EP that, by creating an atmosphere of open skies, lightness, and expansive beauty, forges relaxing and reflective themes.

Album Review/ Sci- Fi Ambience : Hipster Pug’s ‘signal from the universe’
For his latest act, ‘Signal From The Universe’, the artist combines his usual lofi/ downtempo/ ambient act with moments of cryptic sentience, an exercise in suggestive brilliance that compels you to journey past imaginary boundaries, breaking past thresholds of thought.

Jean-Philippe Ruelle Crafts An Ambient Escape with ‘Impulsein’
His latest release is ‘Impulsein’, an absorbing, electric pulsation that spreads, evolves, and grows into beautiful spheres of expression.

Elijah Kusel’s ‘Born Too Close to the Sun’ : Electro Funk Ambience
His latest release is ‘Born Too Close to the Sun’ , an abstraction ambience that is sunny, rainy, and snowy all at the same time.

David Lockeretz’s ‘Number 4 Train’ is a Stroytelling Ambience
His latest release is ‘Number 4 Train’, a track that is a neo-jazz masterpiece that aims to capture the artist’s experience of the thematic object.

Giardini Oort’s ‘Are You Shure?’ : A Dynamic Ambient Exploration
Like in his latest single, ‘Are You Shure?’, the artist delves into the realm of seeking, exploring, contemplating, and arriving.

Song Review/Ambient Instrumental : Marc Soucy’s ‘The Paradigm’s Shift’
As much as he explores the facets of life and love, in his latest single, ‘Paradigm’s Shift’, he conceptualizes the ethereal, a composition that accounts for the expansive essence of the universe in all its majesty and beauty.

Dive Into The Plush Visual Scapes of Marc Schuster’s ‘Arguably’
‘Arguably’ is Marc Schuster’s latest album. It is a compelling series, each track shimmering with its distinct and unique agenda. Across the eight tracks, you’ll experience picturesque and scenic binds of acoustics, electronica, blues, rock, and soul trajectories.

Explore A Tranquil Ambience With Deep Dive Species’ ‘Unconditional’
Taken from this album is ‘Unconditional’. Each melody, with its aftermath stained with echoes, is vested with a sense of boundlessness that ties back to the title.

Lars Lervik’s ‘Spring.Relief’ : An Ambient Acoustic Rock Cast
‘Spring.Relief’ is the artist’s latest release. The track traces the seasonal ongoings of spring, how its frothing blooms and colorful outbursts liberate and lighten people across the world.

Graffick Projects Abstract Electro Sonics In ‘Messages / In The Wake’
In his latest single, ‘Messages / In The Wake’ he floats synths, wrapping them in abstract material, digital influences, and a consciousness that conveys nothing and everything at the same time.

The Dawn Phenomenon’s ‘Ember Day’ : A Crepuscular Wonder
The group’s sophomore single, ‘Ember Day’ comes in the form of mellow, crepuscular bloom. With melodies tinged with dim highlights, dazed vocals, and glassy tones, it’s as soothing as it is cerebrally activating.

Michael Donoghue Crafts the Ambience of Dark & Contemplative Realms in ‘Mantes EP’
‘Mantes’ is the artist’s latest four-track EP. The tracks taking a trip into slightly darker realms, before the closer lifts you up and takes the listener back into space.

Nabil Muquit Crafts a Surreal Electronic Ambience in ‘The Only Way Out is Up’
Nabil Muquit has newly released his fourth album titled, ‘The Only Way Out is Up’. Containing seven tracks, the collection draws from philosophies and human experiences to coalesce as substantial sonic concepts.

Vincent Krennerich Delivers Enriching Jazz Contemplations in ‘Sommerregen’
Vincent’s latest release is the single, ‘Sommerregen’ which translates to ‘Summer Rain’. It is tuned to afflict the listener with buoyancy and a sprinkle of unexpected joy.

Kepa Lehtinen Discovers the Intrinsic Value of Grief with Latest Instrumental ‘Suru’
In his latest composition, ‘Suru’, Kepa Lehtinen creates a lamentous song. Full of light and shadows, it dances with the gradients of tragedy.

Matyascorvinus Delights with Pensive Strings in Latest EP ‘Across The Acheron’
Matya has released an EP titled, ‘Across the Acheron’. Each track sets its own quest, its own path to discovery and wisdom.

Dasein Ushers Undulating Waves of Consciousness with Electronica Album, ‘Pacifica’
The resonant ambient swirls of his latest album, Pacifica inspires a cerebral sensitivity to the magnificent dance of the ocean. Divided into VII parts, it is as dazzling and radiantly hypnotic as a siren’s song.