Album Review : The Tearless Life’s Conversations with Angels’
The Tearless Life has a cinematic sonic consciousness. Spreading out with a grandeur that is rooted in concept, contemplation, and refined absurdities. There is a very high art quotient that floats out of the composition, so much aesthetic value, philosophical flows, and better yet, a showcase of modernity that is rooted in solid concepts. For, the compositions might flow boundlessly, across a horizon of thoughts and feelings, but it all emerges from a grand design, one that affords beautiful perspective when you tap into it. Their latest release is ‘Conversations with Angels’. The eleven track collection collates themes of the ethereal with drone ambiences. It touches on dark spaces as much as it casts luminosity.
‘Beyond The Thread the Spinners Span’ opens the album, enunciating this duality. Perked up with horror frames, deep gothic fantasies, it tunnels through spaces of effervescing emotions. The rhythm seems to be a hypnotic spiral, one combined with the dazing textures of the drone backdrop can cast the listener in a transcendental spell. There is a sense of absoluteness to the compositions. It is quite swaying, compelling, enchanting, and quite totalitarian. Especially in the way it consumes the mind. In tracks like ‘Everyone is Ended’ or ‘The Hunger’, you can experience the baseline, the limitation of nuances to reach a deeper, more clearer feeling.
Almost like a cult master. You’ll see whimsy and sparkle in ‘Old Hospitals Dreaming Patients’. A delightful lightness that cuts through the morbidity and dark complexity of tracks like ‘Opium Eater’ or ‘Frail Children of the Air’. However, despite the lightness, the track’s theme manifests in a more haunting dimension, speculating a parallel reality that. Even the title track, ‘Conversation with Angels’ carries the dialogue, stark and spectacular alongside an earthy resonance, a shadow plane.
There’s a lot of dissonance across the album, one that seamlessly allows the artist to break into new realities. To create a jigsaw of thematic worlds, planes, and elements; all of them connecting to the theme. In ‘December’ and ‘The Mistress’ we get to experience so many different stories and sonic spaces. They are coherently floated, one inside another like a Russian doll, like a fever dream. And you can’t help but faller deeper and deeper.
Lastly, ‘All is Grace’, a track that dramatically portrays the absolutism of the theme. Within one expanding, bright, shiny frame, a streak of light is dilated, empowered, forged and clarified with an elegant hand. It’s like watching the sky on a bright sunny day. A sun wash that seems to make you forget your form, your thoughts, your surroundings, and yourself even. The light is so demanding and matchless.
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The album is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!
You can listen to ‘Conversations with Angels’ by The Tearless Life here -
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