Song Review/ Alternative : The Marble Arches’ ‘Faking The Moment’
Their latest release is ‘Faking the Moment’, a track that leans into the dramatics, darkness, and the compelling complexity of the theme.

Song Review/ Alternative : Marc Soucy’s ‘Troika to Tashkent’
Troika to Tashkent’ is his latest release, a track carrying large transitive frames, of forming landscapes that you can enjoy the way you would scenery from a train window.

Album Review/ Alternative : Roam Like Ghosts’ ‘Church’
The trio have just released their latest album, ‘CHURCH’, a collection that announces the incredible range and depth of the band.

Richard Tyler Epperson’s ‘All My Life’ : A Powerful Alt Rock Track
In his latest single, ‘All My Life’, he explores melancholy in its gloomy and grungy shadow cast. With deep and heavy guitar riffs and bass lines, the soundscape is aglow with texture, turbulence, and turmoil.

Zarooni’s Alternative Vibrance Spans Out Spectacularly in ‘Got Me’
His latest release is ‘Got Me’, an indie rock gem that glistens with accents of post rock, electro vibrance, and contemporary pop.

MOLOMBO’s ‘StarStruck’ : An Alt Hip-Hop Vibrance
His latest release is ‘StarStruck’, a track that carries his blended style so perfectly. Driven by colorful instrumentals and synths, snappy beats, and ethereal vocal melodies, the track is a stimulating valley studded with Molombo’s emphatic rap verses.

Single Review : Josh Jensen’s ‘Wanderlust Highway’
The latest track, ‘Wanderlust Highway’ exemplifies the vivid tapestries of Josh. It combines cerebral quotients with universal human sentiments, calling to mind nostalgic memories of love, passion, and youth.

Alpha Petulay’s Eccentric Combinations Come Alive in ‘Listen’
His latest release is ‘Listen’, a collection that correlates life’s wisdom to human experiences. He compels us to wake up, pay attention, and listen to all that life is offering us. A wake up call of sorts with an eclectic and engaging ethos. Listen Now!

SALt’s ‘Monsters’ Speculate on Interesting Outlying & Alternative Notions
Their latest release is ‘Monsters’, a dark indie rock track that is infiltrated with dissonant vocals, outwordly melancholy, and luminous synths.

My Satellite Declares a Trippy Pop Rock Reality with ‘ Denial’
Their latest release is the ‘Denial’ single. The theme is presented as an extraction of trippy pop rock that is reminiscent of artists like The Strokes, Tame Impala, and Daft Punk.

Experience The Mesmerizing Misery of KC Star’s Alt Pop in ‘wanted’
‘wanted’ is KC Star’s latest single. Led with confessional baritones, the song captures the silent oppression and isolation of social anxiety, self-doubt and a dissolving sense of self.

Kelsie Kimberlin’s ‘Another Chance to Live Again’ is a Lighthouse for all Humanity
In her latest release, ‘Another Chance to Live Again’, Kelsie Kimberlin crafts an Angelican-pop soundscape that beckons for divine wisdom and enlightenment.
Grace & Moji Fathom a Fantastic Alt-Folk Realm with Latest Sonic Production, Tipping Point
Their latest single is Tipping Point, an alt-folk realm. Crafted with golden weaves of acoustics and ethereal synths, they explore the fragile state of being in love, in all its glory and gory. Listen Now!