Alpha Petulay’s Eccentric Combinations Come Alive in ‘Listen’

Alpha Petulay is an incredibly imaginative and unique artist. His sense of style is fundamentally rooted in his culture, which he then develops and mingles with other styles. He has a strong orientation to the avant garde, standing individualistically with a clear and confident sense of self when it comes to his art. With each track, you can witness his genius as he manufactures genres. Driven by his intuition and whim, he draws them into messages, stories, tales, and narratives that are easy to get drawn into. His latest release is ‘Listen’, a collection that correlates life’s wisdom to human experiences. He compels us to wake up, pay attention, and listen to all that life is offering us. A wake up call of sorts with an eclectic and engaging ethos. Listen Now! 

The collection opens with the title track and instantly sets the pace for the rest of the album. Its mercurial rhythm patterns, regular stylistic shifts, and evolving trajectory makes for the perfect introduction. We see reggae, afrobeats, experimental hip-hop, neo-classicals, and groovy instrumental sequences. The closest genre that you can associate this medley with is world music. It has that variety and representation. 

Tracks like ‘Do You Know’, ‘Job Yetu’, ‘Kwenda Leo’, and Mazimu have that busy, Latin pop groove matched with celebratory vocals, afrobeats, and just an active rhythm line. They’re fun, feel-good and impossible to stay still to. ‘abishe’ is a more emphatic composition. It is a stand alone track, when you look at it stylistically. With vivid frames of ethnic verses, funky electronica, and earthy beats, it induces a mellow trance. 

‘Pokeleia’ is another unique track that is full of mysterious sensibilities. It has an irrepressible presence, making a perfect bridge to the next couple tracks. ‘Here we are’, and ‘Myself’ are slow flows. You can see a lot of contemporary influences within them both, interpreted with different degrees of energy, groove, and emotion. 

All the tracks instantly prove the Alpha’s artistic truth. He doesn’t compromise or stray, staying honest and honoring his creative inclinations. Each track has a unique streak that you quite literally cannot find anywhere else. It is experimental while being authentic and true. Which, with every track, he proves to be a virtue. Listen Now! 

Check out their Instagram and Facebook!

The album is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘Listen’ by Alpha Petulay here - 


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