Single Review : Josh Jensen’s ‘Wanderlust Highway’
The quality of Josh Jensen’s rock is sublime. It is nothing like anything. It is unique and alternative in a way that is distinctly his. The latest track, ‘Wanderlust Highway’ exemplifies the vivid tapestries of Josh. It combines cerebral quotients with universal human sentiments, calling to mind nostalgic memories of love, passion, and youth.
The artist blends indie rock with expanding pop, funk, and neo-jazz and blues spheres to achieve a dazing and transcendental listening experience. Running for four and a half minutes composition is generous with solos, expressing beautiful emotional dimensions with detailed instrumental arcs. We see electric guitar flows, a glassy dazed jazz flow, which slowly infuse into each other to create a seamless tapestry. It is free, explorative, and so full of imaginary spaces. Listen Now!