Single Review : For You Brother’s ‘Nice Money’
For You Brother are back with their brand new release, ‘Nice Money’. With a renewed sense of camaraderie and energy, the group now explores the pleasures of capitalism with this track. It is a driving soundscape, rife with textures, riffs, grooves, and basses.

John Taglieri’s ‘Oh, There You Are’ : A Theatrical Fill
A lot of his soundscapes are informed by intuition and spontaneous thoughts, produced with a distinct notion of self. His latest release is ‘Oh, There You Are’, a track with a theatrical flair.

Anna Salman Explores The Rhythms, Melodies, & Gradients of Love in ‘This Summer Won’t Last’
Her latest release is her debut album, ‘This Summer Won’t Last’. The collection explores the rhythms, gradients, melodies, and atmospheres of being in love.

Patrick Doval’s ‘Endless Heartbreak’ is a Whimsical Rock n Roll Masterpiece
Patrick Doval renews his reputation for multifacetedness with his latest release, ‘Endless Heartbreak’. The track, pulsing with a desperate beat and powerful vocal strikes, is a dynamic rock n roll masterpiece.

Princess Liv’s ‘On The Line’ : A Dream Pop Swirl
‘On The Line’ is Princess Liv’s latest single. It is immediately marked by its evocative lyricism, tinsel melodies, and contemplative vocals; A meandering blend of Her’s, Lana Del Rey, Beach House, and Men I Trust.

Delve Into The Picturesque Indie Rock of Trash Pals in ‘Sonya’
‘Sonya’ is the band’s latest single. It is the perfect soundtrack for this spring season with its introspective narrations and ruminative energies. It’s swirl is so easy to get lost in.

LA Need Machine : These Old Jeans
The band have released their sophomore single, ‘These Old Jeans’. It is a jangle rock composition that is underlined with neo-classicals and country folk tints.

Brand of Indigo’s Contemplative Folk Cloud : Dreamer
‘Dreamer’ is the band’s latest single. Serene planes of acoustics are matched with jangle rock riffs to create a room of dreams.

Savor the Enamoring Patterns of Moon and Aries in ‘Firenight’
Their latest is ‘Firenight’, a dance pop spread that is flushed with ethereal and mystical sensibilities. The theme’s cosmic significance is highlighted by quivering vocal tenderness.

Shane Rennison : ‘What You Need To Know’
‘What You Need To Know’ is Shane’s latest single. It holds all the sincerity and dynamism of his earlier releases, if not more.

Sea of Orchids’ ‘Changing Lights’ is a Surreal Alt Rock Treat
Taken from this collection is ‘Changing Lights’. With luminous riff motifs, surreal rock imprints, and outworldly vocals, the track is like a vivid current. It holds you prisoner with its magnetic evolutions, but also shows you a new world that you want to keep visiting

Enjoy The Rich Acoustic Platter of Aoun’s ‘Shears’
AOUN has just released ‘Shears’, his third single leading up to his upcoming concept album, ‘The Shepherd and All Her Beautiful Sheep’.

Enjoy Eric Alexandrakis’ Electric Power Pop in ‘I LOVE ME’
His latest release is ‘I LOVE ME’. It is a retro, electro-powered power pop that will sink you into an 80s/90s sonic wormhole.

Enjoy The Rolling Pop Grooves of Natalia Pardalis in ‘Summer Nights’
She taps into a universal frequency and loops us into it. With infectious hooks, charming vocals, and smooth grooves, she pulls us into the soundscape. Her latest release is ‘Summer Nights’.

teté Embroiders a Romantic Latin Pop Tapestry in ‘Wherever You Go’
teté has just released, ‘Wherever You Go’. It is a Latin-pop song that is full of lilting grooves and curving beats. It has that special home-grown feeling that makes you nostalgic.

Jason Lyles’ ‘Deflated’ is a Glazed 70s Rock Burnish
‘Deflated’ is his latest single in which he polishes 70s rock with burnished melodic rock structures, bluesy pop evocations, and glazed alt rock.

Natalie Jean’s ‘The What For’ : A Rugged and Passion Country Rock Track
In ‘The What For’, her latest single, Natalie Jean fuses hard rock riffs and punk beats with a country blues ethos.

Dive Head First into The Spirited Rhythms of Songs for Sabotage in ‘CLEAN TRAUMA’
Songs for Sabotage got all revved up with gunpowder punk, 80s synth pop, and spirited rhythms for their latest album, ‘Clean Trauma’.

Enjoy The Deep Blue Americana of Northern Trails in ‘Through The Grain’
‘Through The Grain’ is their latest single. It’s a well-explored and creatively spun soundscape. One of those tracks with bottomless details that are able to give you more and more each time you listen to it.

Transcend Into Love with Karen Harding’s Vocal Spread in ‘Judge You’
‘Judge You’ is the artist’s latest single in which she demonstrates the vast expanse of unconditional love. The soundscape is adorned by the clutching sentiments and deep emotion of her vocals.