Pork Pie Drive Alt Rock to New Planes of Brilliance in ‘GOLDEN LEAF SHEETS’
Their latest release is the ‘GOLDEN LEAF SHEETS’ album, a relentless collection of ten tracks that is all momentum. The instrumentals form like fiery landscapes.

Jason Lyles’ ‘Deflated’ is a Glazed 70s Rock Burnish
‘Deflated’ is his latest single in which he polishes 70s rock with burnished melodic rock structures, bluesy pop evocations, and glazed alt rock.

The Ruby Tears Revive The Magic & Nostalgia of the 70s Rock with ‘Learn to Fly’
In their latest release, ‘Learn to Fly’, Manchester’s John Goodfellow and Liverpool’s Jeff Skellon fathom an acoustic rock composition that is flush with exhilarating blues and immersive melancholia.