Minda Lacy Sails in With Old School Blues : ‘Worth Writing Home About’
In her latest release, ‘Worth Writing Home About’, Minda Lacy crafts a whimsical tapestry around all the remarkable pairs of breasts that she saw.
Luna Keller’s ‘Patterns’ Twinkle with Poetry & Ethereal Folk
Her latest single is titled ‘Patterns’. Dressed in frills of theatrical whimsy and orchestra, it chronicles the circuits and patterns in our psyche that repeat themselves.
Music Review : Kete Bowers’ ‘Holy Night (A Christmas Song From the War)’
Kete Bowers renders a touching Christmas song with latest release, ‘Holy Night (A Christmas Song From the War)’. The emotion underlying it is so incredibly complex. It is human in its melancholy, joyful in divinity, and infinite in faith.
Shane Rennison’s ‘Live at the Outlier Inn’ is Acoustic Elegance
Luna Keller’s ‘Invisible Wars’ is Folk Enamored by Melancholy
In her latest single, ‘Invisible Wars’, Luna Keller depicts the despondence of a darkened mind.
Rob Giles Delivers Transcendental Acoustics in ‘Meditation Drive-Thru’
‘Meditation Drive-Thru’ is Rob Giles’ latest release; an eleven-track collection that features philosophically comforting frames that will soothe the heart.
Vargen Astounds with Rustic Folk Rock in Self-Titled Album
Vargen has just released his self-titled album. Folk rock, blues, poetry, philosophies, and rustic nostalgia are just some of the treasures you’ll find in it.
The Celtic Harper’s ‘The Carnivorine’ is an Array of Rich & Vivid Folklore
The Celtic Harper’s ‘The Carnivorine’ is an Array of Rich & Vivid Folklore
Connor Desai’s ‘Forever’ is a Contemplative Folk Pop Performance
In her latest single, ‘Forever’, Connor Desai delivers a lofi acoustic folk pop performance.
MVI’s Debut Album, ‘In The Rain Shadow’ is a World Folk Masterpiece
In their debut album, ‘In The Rain Shadow’, the MVI portray the ambient quotients of natural phenomena, places and concepts with contemplative and sentimental spreads.
Pam Ross’s ‘Cornflakes and Beer’ Paints a Tale of Heartache with Acoustic Strokes
In her latest single, ‘Cornflakes and Beer’ Pam Ross reminisces about an old love, drawing out nostalgia and melancholy to tell her tale.
Books of Moods’ ‘The Mermaid Song’ is a Rustic Folk Exploration of Melancholy
In their latest single, ‘The Mermaid Song’, Books of Moods explore melancholy as they manifest in legends and tales.
TaughtMe Explores Ethereal Folk with Latest EP, ‘When I Calm Down’
(((When I Calm Down))) is a three part world-folk EP by artist and singer-songwriter, TaughtMe, the musical moniker of Utah native Blake Aaron Henderson.