Vargen Astounds with Rustic Folk Rock in Self-Titled Album

Vargen is a Swedish singer-songwriter and folk rock artist. Acclaimed globally as an interpreter of Bob Dylan’s music, he brings the beauty he acquires there to his own compositions. Like Dylan, his soundscapes are simple and minimalistic, dimensionalized by the raw emotion in his vocals. The artist has just released his self-titled album. Folk rock, blues, poetry, philosophies, and rustic nostalgia are just some of the treasures you’ll find in it. Listen for more! 

The album opens with ‘Mindy Morning’. The track leaves a distinct vintage 70s folk rock impression. Its monotone instrumentation is a serene spread, dotted with sparkles of vocal sentiment. He channels this quality of boundlessness into his storytelling. Pieces of melancholy, warmth, contemplation, and heartache are all infused with this abstract and vast space. ‘Eastern Soul’ is composed with a similar design. However, its more prominent riff textures and molten melodies all infuse a sense of inexorable passion. 

‘Like a Bird of Prey’ presents a haunting melancholic experience. In this track, the artist insightfully uses sparing instrumental structures to carve out the theme. Stand alone piano melodies and stray wisps of violins resonate with a bottomless loneliness and solitude. ‘Tar & Feathers’ shares in this minimalism, but embellished with a drizzle of blues, it shines with folk romanticism. His ability to realize the potential sound is perhaps a gift he gleaned from his study of Dylan. 

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‘Toxicon’ magnifies soul blues with reggae rhythm and chunky instrumentals. The sax and earthy beats activate the playfulness of Vargen’s vocals, and like this, they stretch into a tropical folk sphere. ‘Them Cat’, featuring Jojje Wadenius is the next act of this folk blues arc. Glinting strings slow dance with the baritones. And between frames, iridescent blues guitar melodies serenade the listener in the sedative ways of Carlos Santana. 

Ending with ‘The Bitch in Me’ and ‘The Bullfighter’, he textures the blues with darker themes. Both of them are dramatically minimalistic, complemented by theatrical flows and design. 

Vargen released his debut album in 2017 : Sånger från natten, sånger från Dan and has since released two collections of  Bob Dylan interpretations in 2019 and 2020. This release is the artist’s fourth album.

The album is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to Vargen here - 

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