Tate Sedar’s ‘Wish I Could’ : An Intoxicating Electro Pop Pulse
Tate Sedar is an electro pop artist and producer who is enamored with energy, especially in how it manifests in music. Based in Los Angeles, his soundscapes are influenced by futuristic ideas, and to some extent are even experimental. His latest release, ‘Wish I Could’ perfectly captures the fantastic sonic ideals of this artist.
It is different from his previous work, a step in a bold new direction. Fusing house and techno with EDM and pop pulses. With lyrics about unrequited love: how our partners can change, but sometimes our complacency is the wedge in a relationship. The artist drives at the theme with a retrospective lens. He explores themes like nostalgia, the intoxication of falling love, all of which is fused with the hovering melancholy of expired passion.