Music Review : Kete Bowers’ ‘Holy Night (A Christmas Song From the War)’
Kete Bowers renders a touching Christmas song with latest release, ‘Holy Night (A Christmas Song From the War)’. The emotion underlying it is so incredibly complex. It is human in its melancholy, joyful in divinity, and infinite in faith.
Shaela Miller : After the Masquerade
For her latest release, ‘After The Masquerade’ Shaela Miller composed an electro-rock canvas that is delightfully indie, retro, and modern all at the same time.
Arliston’s ‘Thawed’ is a Metapod of Touching Emotion
In their release, ‘Thawed’, Arliston drive a sweltering grief, warm and thick, hovering like a fog all around. And with a thawing soundscape, every verse unravels a new layer of heartache.