Enjoy Danielle Whalebone’s Abstract Sonic Pour in ‘Whispers of Shadows EP’
When you think of Danielle Whalebone’s music, artists like Björk, The Sugarcubes, and Arca come to mind. Her reputation for innovative abstractions and experimental works matches the proficiency of these artists. If you like immersing yourself in deep contemplations that are brought to life with lofty sonic ideas, creative consciousness, and cerebral perspectives, then Danielle is definitely the artist for you. Her non-conforming sonic spirit is a gift that keeps on giving. And ethereal reward that transcends perhaps everything you are familiar with and accustomed to.
Her latest release is the ‘Whispers of Shadows LP’, an eight track album that sets expansive scenes for the listener to visit. It extends to picturesque flower farms, nostalgia, youth, mundanity, nature, and sometimes, a mere shift in perspective. Her ability to grasp meaning out of the most commonplace thing, arrive at its concept and give it profound expression is what makes this album great.
‘Illumination’ opens the collection. shoegaze planes dotted with spoken word moments, formless rhythms, meditative flows, all launch you into the ethereal. In a space where the known, unknown, and unknowable swirls into each other. ‘Nodding Violet’ follows a string of poetry. The experience of the song is the experience of its resonance. You’ll again see dazing, fuzzy, shoegaze planes that shape the metaphors that her voice speaks. ‘Lovers’ is an abstract pour, everflowing, a story that is always being written. The infinite soundscape with the sound of typewriter keys beautifully captures the romanticism of the title and theme.
‘Isolation’ is where the shoegaze mingles with rock to form dark spheres of emotion. It is intense, hypnotic, and maddening. ‘Ordinary Things’ banks on its predecessors’ complexity and layers it with dissonance, despair, and desperation. ‘Through The Keyhole’ lightens the journey again, its mood conducted by winking melodies, whispering vocal mystique, and a brimming brightness. ‘The Conjuror’ elevates the luminosity further, makes an atmosphere that seeks, contemplates, and creates. Finally, ‘Recollection of Youth’. Time flows like a river in the soundscape, the lapping water instantly fills the mind with nostalgia. Danielle’s vocals is reminiscent, timeless, and full of magical realism. Listen Now!
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The LP is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!
You can listen to ‘Whispers of Shadows’ by Danielle Whalebone here -