Ellery Twining Presents a Contemplative Shoegaze Pop With ‘S B Butler’
Ellery Twining is an innovative pop artist in the contemporary context. As soon as you listen to his music, you experience a refreshing sense of character and beautiful concepts. It is a plane of consciousness, a musical piece, and a liberated pop culture. His latest release is his second album, ‘RESULTS’. The collection adds on to the inventive ideas that he introduced with his debut album, ‘REVENGE’. It all forms in a surreal sonic space coded with ambient and conceptual melodies.
The track, ‘S B Butler’ is taken from this collection. Dazing spells of contemporary pop are meshed with shoegaze propensities and ascending rhythms. It is a track about experiencing childhood, growing up, and learning about the world. Melancholy shows up as a stranger that alters perception. With narrative lyricism and spoken vocals, the artist images a scene that feels both familiar and unfamiliar. Listen Now!