Daffodildos Unleashes a Punk Rock Feast With ‘ What’s Your Excuse?’

Daffodildos is a punk rock band that is as chaotic as they sound. They inspire psychedelic and cerebral patterns into the dynamic sphere of punk to create an alternative sonic reality. Because they make the kind of music that consumes and transports you. Their latest release is ‘What’s Your Excuse?’, a driving, power-hungry, energy feasting, punk track that can devour and ravish endlessly. 

The bass is meaty and thick, the riffs are crisp and sharp, pounded and polished by the relentless force of the beats. It is textbook punk with a progressive twist that goes on for days. And the vocals are an anthem, launching into the listener like a rocket, advocating for animals with a passion that is feisty and fierce. And all animal lovers out there, can’t help but join in on the fun, fervor, and feverish excitement. Listen Now! 

Check out their Instagram and Facebook!

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘What’s Your Excuse?’ By Daffodildos here - 


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