Christine Tarquinio Transmits Beautiful Mellow Pop Scapes with ‘If I Could’

Christine Tarquinio is a singer-songwriter and pop artist who deviates her music to aching contemplations about the human condition. The soundscapes are projected thematic spheres through which the vehicle of thought, wisdom, perspectives, and ideas is transmitted. Her style has that elegance that is born out of an innately imaginative mind, and it translates so creatively into her music. 

‘If I Could’ is the artist’s latest single; a track that delves into the complex weave of life with all its potential, happiness, pain, anxieties, fear, love, success, and joy. The track is infused with dreamy pop and electronic elements, mellow and chill before driving to dramatic heights on the tail of dynamic beats. And her vocals carry this variety, molding them into thematic relevance and sonic gold in ways that show off her unique ideas and artistic appeal. Listen Now! 

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The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘If I Could’ by Christine Tarquinio here - 

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