La Need Machine Fathoms a Heartfelt Folk Track With ‘I Wish I Could Fly’

La Need Machine is a melting pot of ideas and influences as their blends range from indie rock and americana to pop-punk and rock n roll. But it is not just in the style, but even in the way they present concepts. Their soundscapes are adorned with layers and accents that are incredibly enriching. In their latest track, ‘I Wish I Could Fly’, the band fathoms a heartfelt folk rock track that combines Joni Mitchell’s introspective acoustics with The Smiths’ classic melodic rock style. Listen Now! 

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This composition is compelling in its lyrical-instrumental unity as it emphasizes the impacts of climate change of wildlife. On the surface, it glistens with the polish of electric guitar, speckled generously with acoustics. A folk violin swells underneath it, lifting into the frolicking vocals. The chorus is an uplifting frame that all these streams pool into. Textured with jangly riffs and ethereal instrumentals, it is the perfect amount of drama and sentiment. 

Check out their Instagram, Facebook, and Bandcamp!

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘I Wish I Could Fly’ by LA Need Machine here - 

Promotional Disclaimer: The content in this post has been sponsored by the artist, label, or PR representative to help promote their work.


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