The Screaming Pope Grants Dynamism A New Definition With Latest Album ‘The Willow Tree’
The Screaming Pope is a band led by American musician, George Bolton, presenting his visionary ideas and musical innovations. There’s no one else like him. His ability to rear and nurture magical worlds of sound is nothing short of remarkable. Fusing the wavering contours of 80s electronica with dynamic rock and indie folk sensibilities, he formulates a fresh, contemporary sound with a vintage ethos. So you’re left with the sweet taste of nostalgia and the freshness of novelty all at once.
The Screaming Pope has released the 25th album of his career, titled, ‘The Willow Tree’. And like the willow tree, the album holds some of the artist’s most versatile, intricate, dense, and resilient pieces. There’s so much variety but there’s also so much sonic depth. Listen Now!
‘Jetstream’ opens the album with its dubsteps, its dazed and dragging vocals, and dancing keys. Three distinct rhythms, all conforming to form a memory, the lilting feeling of watching a jetstream form. This cerebral blast of blue phases into an electronic dance and pop synthesis. In ‘Ready or Not’, we experience retro synth pop through filters of techno, folk beats, and funky tangents. ‘Deep Space’ has dynamic party beats and colorful vocals. The theme forms with the deep explorative bass and beatline. It is hypnotic and mesmerizing.
‘Envisioning’ is smooth with Latin blues and tinsel harmonies and the title track is smooth with dreamy melancholy and dripping sentiment. With ‘Yearning’, he turns the notch up, letting techno invade into afrobeat motifs. It is so eclectic and energizing. In ‘Intangible’ the artist reaches for the virtual with conceptual electronica and mellow industrial sensibilities.
Every track has a distinct ethos of its own. The artist finds so many new contexts and expressions for mainstream electronic styles. ‘Messages’ is a bluesy, jazz funk masterpiece that tweaks with brain chemistry. With popping melodies, darting beats, and frizzing vocals, it’s like you’ve taken a shot of potent soda. ‘Lifting Me Up’ blends techno with theatrics. ‘Interpolation Equation’ opens with warping electronic concepts before becoming an ethereal spread. It is transcendental.
There’s so many worlds that you become privy to just by listening to this album. One minute, you’re experiencing infinity, and the next, you’re bundled into a reggae funk powered love mobile. There’s movement and cerebral dance, emotion and non-emotion, fragility and resilience. So strap in, let’s go again!
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