The Margaret Hooligans : Driver!
The spirit of The Margaret Hooligans is as free and fun as rock n roll. By now, this duo’s reputation for blending experimental blues and roaming folk rock precedes them. They don’t strive for perfection but celebrate the cumbersome, sloppy, and blurred realities of human experience. And this honest execution is not only refreshing but transcendental and liberating.
Meg Cratty and Mr. Strontium have released their latest single, ‘Driver!’. It is a grand enterprise of chaotic blues and explorative rock ethos. Instrumentally, they go down the path of Patti Smith, Janis Joplin and Pink Floyd. The slamming beats and the electric ukulele is transformed by bright sitar accents. You’ll also spot avant garde electronic elements and spontaneous percussive shifts. So experience several sonic consciousnesses within one iconic track.