Song Review/Pop : Carson Ferris’s ‘FOMO’
Carson Ferris’s pop is contemporary, youthful, and plush. It’s an electric flow of consciousness that is relatable and real. In his latest release, ‘FOMO’, he explores the fear of missing out in the context of love and regrets. Choices between love and other life priorities often pop up and sometimes you end up making the wrong choice and regretting letting go of the person that boosted you up, elevated your life experience and loved you beautifully.
In this track, the protagonist is at that crossroad and is choosing love because he doesn’t want regrets. Carson’s vocals capture the joy of being with someone and the wisdom that comes with it. There’s a feel-good glow to the thoughtful electro pop track. If you enjoy the work of Justin Bieber and early 1D music, then this is definitely something you will like. Listen Now!
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