Song Review/Electronica : Richard Green’s ‘Big Numbers’
Richard Green is a composer and an experimental artist that sees things that others don’t. He is a visionary with a conceptual genius that allows us keen insight into modern sonic craft and design. He forges spectacular explorations that almost always lead us to strange, new worlds replete with new meaning and perspectives. Marked by surreal quotients and hypnotic scenes, his soundscapes are amazing spaces to dwell in.
His latest release is ‘Big Numbers’ in which he uses contemporary electronica, styling them into symmetric infinities that tie into the theme. They explore its majesty, its expanse, the horizon that they inhabit and the secretive depths that they harbor. It is electric, vibrant, casting a contemplative ambience that compels you to think about the patterns, possibilities, and the mind-boggling potential of big numbers. Listen Now!
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