Song Review/ Experimental Electronica : Mohawk Castle’s ‘I Killed the Velvet Underground’

Mohawk Castle’s style is individualistic, so liberated from the ties of classic and contemporary music. It is the solo project of Erik David Hidde, a singer-songwriter and an alternative artist. He curates a style that ushers indie rock into a new age electronic era. In his latest release, ‘I Killed the Velvet Underground’, he creates a blooming dissonance that lifts into moments of modern rock and a stretching vocal horizon. 

The song forms in the intuitive, expressive pulse of his voice. It is with that that he forges dimension, a thematic landscape. There is so much abstractness in the song. All you have to do is dive in, experience the depth and explore the meaning, the emotion, and power. Listen Now! 

Check out their Instagram and Bandcamp!

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘I Killed the Velvet Underground’ by Mohawk Castle here - 


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