Single Review : The Flying Beets’ ‘The Stupid Way You Breathe’

The Flying Beets do rock in ways that are nostalgic of the 90s and 00s. They fly into the feel-good radar of the turn of the century indie, fleshing it out with the pop rock that the early 2000s came to become famous for. ‘The Stupid Way You Breathe’ is the band’s latest single, one that is layered with aching sentiments, moody riffs, and vocal dimensions that are reminiscent of Freddy Mercury. 

It is speckled with fuzzy indie rock textures, activated by the subdued melody lines; all playing into the juvenile emotions that heartache awakens in all of us. If you enjoy classic rock, you’ll especially enjoy the modern interpretations and fixtures that this band brings to it in this track. Listen Now! 

Check out their Instagram, Facebook!

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘The Stupid Way You Breathe’ by The Flying Beets here - 


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