DAAY’s ‘Should I Lie’ : A Dark Philosophical Warp

Psychedelic rock takes on so many layers and dimensions in DAAY’s ‘Should I Lie’. The track is made with warping flows and twisting rhythms, perhaps to showcase the arrival at a decision to lie. It is a deep cerebral exploration of the thematic context. Some parts are playful and curiously written, while others melt into darker, more mysterious philosophic frames. This latest release demonstrates a rich variance, so distinct and yet thematically seamless. 

Indie rock is strung into early 2000s pop rock vocals. There’s a slight tinge of emo that develops and grows into a psychedelic room of velvet solos and stringing melodies. It is an intimate space that drives the listener into an intensely evocative experience. The transition from the cozy, indie rock fuzz to a pervasive web of stimulating sonic threads. Listen Now! 

Check out their Instagram, Facebook, and X!

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘Should I Lie’ by DAAY here - 

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