Tracks like ‘Seven on Four’, ‘Rogues’ Gallery’, ‘Walk Don’t Run’, and ‘Tricky Lp’ have a dominant guitar plane that spirals into a rock trajectory. These tracks portray strength and spontaneity in ways that grip you. In softer moments, especially in ‘Rogues’ Gallery’, we see the sparking combination of blues and jazz.
Just tangled with an ambience that cuts through the intensity of the driving rhythms. In ‘Walk Don’t Run’, the group explores scattered rhythms, and blues that are coherent and harmonious. The contrasting frames of driving rock and drifting jazz blues has a striking novelty. Especially in the way the contexts, ideas, and flows are reconciled.
‘Two Point Conversation’ represents the other side of the album. Across the board, it is mellow and ambient, carrying within its sphere, contemplations, and in this case, conversational aspects that make it seem like a dialogue is passing through the soundscape.
‘Wicked Chester’ gleams with charisma. With grooves that swagger and swirl across, it is quite the modern jazz outfit. ‘Slowly Falling’ is lighter, crossed with levity and a melodic buoyancy. ‘Envoy’ is deeper, more weighted with evocative sensibilities and melodic promiscuity. And like that, each track gains character progressively, spectacularly expanding the range and perspectives of the genre. Listen Now!