Album Review : Paul Struder’s ‘All My Love’

Paul Philip Studer is a singer-songwriter and pianist. He is a vintage man, a vintage artist who loves the blues. And that’s what his music is about. A love letter to the jazz and blues era, it is free, fluid, whimsical, romantic, and full of expression. His debut album is ‘All My Love’, a ten song album that is full of stories about love, heartbreak, ensuing happiness and melancholy. 

It is incredible how he captures that epoch, that past time; transporting the listener to an underground, dim and moody jazz bar that is full of culture and conversation. There’s also some brimming country and contemporary pop songs that employ the principles of blues in overarching ways. Each song has an emotion, a mood, and a story of its own. Once you embark on this journey, it’ll be an immersive one full of emotional and sentimental fruition. 

‘Budgie’ opens the collection with its emphatic jazz blues. It is smoky and full of feeling. The piano line rises and falls with sophisticated intuition, leading the listener through emotion and experience that the vocal prompts project. It is one of its kind, as the rest of the tracks flow into a more Phil Collins-esque ethos: feel-good synths rising into a heartfelt vocal candor.

In tracks like ‘Can You Hear Me’ and ‘I Don’t Miss You’, melancholy takes a wise turn. Guitar acoustics phase into orchestral folk structures that soothe the mind. It sounds like the song of a healing heart that hasn’t hardened with heartbreak. ‘Yugoslavia’, the concluding track especially rings with this instrumental style. It is soothing and consoling in the most achingly beautiful way. The mind drifts to rolling hillsides, boundless green meadows, and 80s movies. 

‘Muddy River’ twinkles with subtle blues, against a swirling synth backdrop. It carries the classic and contemporary quite seamlessly. ‘New Born Day’ and ‘On My Own’ are uplifting tracks that expand into potential and possibilities. The tracks are all retro in spirit and old school in sentiment. Each of them seem to evoke a nostalgia for times where even complex feelings were infused with quiet beauty. 

The artist has a way of building emotions up, cultivating them in such humanly intimate ways that it affects every kind of listener. If you’re looking for a silver lining in pain, heartache, and hurt, Paul’s music will show you how and where to find them. To revel in the bittersweet and always move towards the sweetness in life. Listen Now! 

The album is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘All my Love’ by Paul Philip Studer here - 


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