Rye Catchers Elevate Pop Rock To New Energy Levels in ‘Mixed Messages’

Rye Catchers are pop rock, power pop masters with ideas and energy levels that will blow your top off. The banner was founded by songwriter / producer David McClintick Roberts as a platform to orchestrate engaging and interesting sonic experiences. Blending the electric air of synths and other electronic influences with dark rock textures and evolving pop structures, he posed an exciting gradient of these genres. Listening to his discography is marked by cerebral stimulations and a refreshed mind. His latest release is ‘Mixed Messages’, a nine-track album that reveals some of the artist’s futuristic and progressive ideas. Blending the ethos of The Who, AC/DC, with the aesthetics of Daft Punk, Imagine Dragons, and Maroon 5, he transforms pop rock as we know it. 

‘History’ introduces the collection. Its luminous synthwave intro nicely phases into an electro-pop plane. It percolates and forms the backdrop to changing sonic cycles. A lick of electric guitar adds an enjoyable dimension to it, splitting into riffs that match the bass and beat floors. The culminating sound spills into the next track, ‘Anything’. Bolstered with percussive sheets, bold elements, and loud textures, it rises into the atmosphere immersively. The album also features the Nikki Simmons Reprise of ‘History’, where you get to experience its eclectic interpretation. 

‘Incandescent’ is an especially complex track. Forging hard and alternative rock into flamboyant moments of synth pop, the soundscape seamlessly appreciates to incredibly high moments of energy. ‘Ordinary’ has an electro-dance pulse. Raised to the power of dark pop, it is nothing short of extraordinary. ‘UFO’ follows suit. With synthetic vocal creations and a dynamic soundscape, it is a launching sonic exhibit. 

‘Gone Girl’ and ‘Sometimes’ land smack dab in the middle of 80s synthwave. With those retro structures mingling with a pseudo modern essence, it feels both nostalgic and futuristic. ‘Never Look Down’ sets a frequency of its own. Led with a Phil Collin-esque pop rock aesthetic, it develops dark Linkin Park layers that divide the mind. Lots of contemporary electronica as well. They influence the mood and energy flows throughout the track. Listen Now! 

Check out their Instagram and Facebook!

The album is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘Mixed Messages’ by Rye Catchers here - 


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